This has been one whirlwind of a quarter! While my academic pursuits weren't particularly strenuous, I did a bit of soul searching (for lack of a better term) and am feeling rather comfortable with graduating earlier than I expected. I will finish in December of this year and hopefully start the new year living in another place.
As for my animal adventures, I have procured 6 baby chickens! We have five Rhode Island Reds and one Barred Rock chick, which we have named Moonshine. Aren't they adorable? They are getting to the stage where they aren't so cute (losing baby fluff and gaining adult feathers). Beyond that, I still have baby chicken and now an adult Jersey Giant. Most of these chicks will be going to good homes where they can be loved and lay plenty of delicious eggs.
This week, I also procured a TON of yummy yarns for weaving rugs and wearables. I plan to complete at least two projects this summer - a rug and a collapse weave scarf or the like. I'll update again later in the week, when I have more time...
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