Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dusting off the Keyboard

In some ways I've been busy in the world of fiber arts and in others I've been lounging about, wistfully thinking of all the projects I want to finish. I have started a tapestry (finally), but I haven't drawn out my plans for it... So, it just sits, waiting for me to take up some yarn and work away at it.
I have also come into possession of a fair amount of dyes. Tonight was my first chance to use them. I'm sure I could have made the time before this, but I like dallying when I've been out of the house all day. Unfortunately it was dark outside when I dyed my fiber, so I was unable to capture any photos for your viewing pleasure. I'm also unsure as to whether I should spin it up, or turn it into roving. Choices, choices, choices....
I would also like to create a collapse weave piece and a rug since I now have some absolutely beautiful rug wool. I will have to take picture of that as well. I need to get into some sort of spinning routine so that my production is more consistent and I don't loose my touch. It has been a bit challenging to spin soft-spun yarns seeing as I am used to adding extra twist for structural integrity, but it looks better as a single, so I better get crackin! My goal is to get myself a little stand in a local community market, or some space in a storefront, and sell my products that way. It feels more personal and I will most likely have less pressure to lower my prices. Well, back to dyeing.... :D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

2am listings and whatnot

I'm very, very sleepy. I say this after finally putting up some of my handspun on Etsy (if you want to check it out, search for mustardseed11 under sellers). This process seemed to take forever, but I guess that since I've finally jumped the hurtle, all is well. Subsiquently, each item after the first was easy. I'm still trying to work out how to determine pricing, but I guess I'll figure it out through trial and error. I think my plan right now is to just spin until my fingers are worn through. I need a large amount of stock and so that means spinning, spinning, spinning! I also plan to sell handwoven goods at some point, but that will occur later in the summer.

Speaking of weaving and summer, I'm going to learn tapestry weaving! I've been looking over 2 books I happened upon, in hopes of understanding some of the techniques, which has caused more than a few "A-ha!" moments. I also plan to create a collapse weave project and a rug. A project for each month of summer sounds perfect. If I work hard, I may try for more, but I'm not going to push it.

Well, I'm off to cook some breakfast.... until later!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh Me, Oh My!

This has been one whirlwind of a quarter! While my academic pursuits weren't particularly strenuous, I did a bit of soul searching (for lack of a better term) and am feeling rather comfortable with graduating earlier than I expected. I will finish in December of this year and hopefully start the new year living in another place.

As for my animal adventures, I have procured 6 baby chickens! We have five Rhode Island Reds and one Barred Rock chick, which we have named Moonshine. Aren't they adorable? They are getting to the stage where they aren't so cute (losing baby fluff and gaining adult feathers). Beyond that, I still have baby chicken and now an adult Jersey Giant. Most of these chicks will be going to good homes where they can be loved and lay plenty of delicious eggs.

This week, I also procured a TON of yummy yarns for weaving rugs and wearables. I plan to complete at least two projects this summer - a rug and a collapse weave scarf or the like. I'll update again later in the week, when I have more time...