I'm just biding my time, waiting for things to warm up a little more and hoping that this year I'll actually get a real garden! Right now my plans are either to work on the college's organic farm or focus on spinning for a quarter. Either option is more appealing than just sitting around my house with nothing to do or continuing to take the program I'm stuck in this quarter (no offense to my prof).
Anywho! I'm reading a book by Carol Deppe titled
Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties and I must say I'm excited. I'll give you a more thorough review when I get through the book. It seems at first glance to really help you understand selection and the genetics behind it. Spring brings me back to pursuing my passions - gardening, fiber arts, apiculture, and interest in some day owning fiber producing animals. I'd most likely want to start with satin angoras as their fur has a more satiny sheen than traditional angoras and they are small and easy to manage. I mean, I'd love to have alpacas and sheep, but that takes land and money that I don't have at the moment. One day.....
More exciting news is that the Obama's are bringing back the tradition of the
Victory Garden. I can't imagine something more "real" to bring people back to their roots. As some of you may know, my interest in food has become something of an obsession. I attempt to buy local as often as possible and grow some of my own food. In reality, we cannot support everyone becoming "locavores", but with just a percentage of everyone's diet made up of homegrown or locally grown produce, we can help support local businesses and more importantly the people working hard to make it happen. I mean, before the 50's, most people still had chickens in their back yards and now it's almost unheard of.... but slowly such things are growing in popularity. I'm glad this movement has grown and that I see people of all ages participating in the movement toward better, fresher, and more local foods.
Whew! Now that I'm done with that rant, I'll go start on my homework...